How to repair kitchen cabinets with water damage?

How to repair kitchen cabinets with water damage? Water can have a devastating impact on your wood over time. When exposed to water frequently enough, it can destroy the outer portion of your cabinets and result in the wood developing a water-damaged appearance. In more severe cases, water damage can completely ruin your cabinets and…

Do termites eat drywall?

Do termites eat drywall? This is a very reasonable question since termite damage costs consumers around 30 billion dollars each year. Termites are well-known for being voracious eaters. When you take this into account, yes termites can feed off drywall. Termites feed off the paper surrounding the gypsum (a powdery sulfate material) that once hardened…

What To Look For During Pre-drywall Inspection?

What to look for during Pre-drywall inspection? Make sure that the construction of your new house is being provided with first-class services with our top of the shelf Pre-Drywall, Phased New Construction Inspection. Allow us to take a look under the hood before it’s covered up once and for all! Obsessing on the construction details,…